Term and Condition

This website milmastaani.com is independently owned by Milmastaani Apparels Pvt Ltd.
By placing an order on this site, you are entering into a purchase/sale transaction with Only, an authorized online retailer for selling ONLY Products in India. All names, brands, trademarks and logos on the website are the property of milmastaani or its associated companies. All names, brands, trademarks and logos are protected by copyright and/or registered trademarks and can only be used with permission from milmastaani or its associated companies and milmastaani.com.

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milmastaani.com makes no warranties regarding the accuracy of the information on the website. However, you are always welcome to contact us, if you find incorrect information on the website. milmastaani.com is entitled to change the content of the website at any time without preceding notice. If the website links to a third-party website, milmastaani.com makes no warranties for the content of the third-party website. These links are made for your convenience only, but it is at your own risk when you visit a third-party website.

The below terms and conditions shall apply to all deliveries from www.milmastaani.com to customers purchasing goods from this website.

  1. Conclusion of contract

    A final and binding contract has been concluded between you and milmastaani.com when your order has been confirmed by milmastaani.com. milmastaani.com will send an order confirmation to you by email when the order has been confirmed and shipped. The order receipt received immediately after placing the order does not constitute an order confirmation.
    You are only allowed to purchase products in the milmastaani.com online shop if you are a private consumer, i.e. not a business customer.

  2. Prices, taxes and delivery

    All prices are stated inclusive of VAT and other taxes. The applicable price is the one stated in the here in respect of the relevant product on the date of placing of the order.
    milmastaani.com reserves the right to amend any prices incorrectly stated on this website. Furthermore, milmastaani.com reserves the right to amend any prices, taxes and/or other costs stated on this website at any time, e.g. due to changes in VAT rates or other public fees and charges, increased costs or as a result of the general development in retail prices.

  3. Delivery

    milmastaani.com will usually accept and ship the order within 2-3 working days. The usual time of delivery from the time of dispatching the order is 5-7 working days. milmastaani.com reserves the right to prevent persons from shopping via this website. milmastaani.com is not obliged to deliver goods which are out of stock.

  4. Right of withdrawal

    You have a right to withdraw from the contract entered into without giving any reasons. PLEASE NOTE- Our Customer Care team will not be available on National and Public Holidays. In such events, do drop us an email and we will get back to you at the earliest possible.

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